Use "typology|typologies" in a sentence

1. Personal apartment choosen among typology and locality.

2. Analogously to the typology of economic markets, the typology corresponds to the social organization of political exchange in policy networks.

3. Caution: The danger of Allegorizing does not mean that the Bible does not contain “typology.” In typology there is …

4. It's based on furniture typologies, but that's not the end motivation.

5. Lexical Anaphors and Pronouns in Selected South Asian Languages: A Principled Typology

6. The typology and formal semantic of Adnominal possession Doctoral Thesis

7. Political scientists have created many typologies describing variations of Authoritarian forms of government.

8. The other important typology of loneliness focuses on the time perspective.

9. A comparison between the Weberian classification and the most recent typologies reveals that almost everything converges in it.

10. Becking's ultimate goal thus is a typology of personal constants linked to a typology of Weltanschauungen (world views}-aphilosophical undertaking in which he was preceded by Nohl (1920), amongothers

11. ‘The Buhrstone flint (Carlson's type 5) is not included in DeRegnaucourt and Georgiady's typology.’.

12. The proliferation of Autocratic typologies reflects an expansion in the ways in which scholars conceptualize authoritarianism

13. In addition, with a keen interest in program-driven project typologies, Abadan has developed a parallel expertise in the …

14. Adjectivals and Adverbials: On the Representation of Quantities and Qualities in Chinese and Implications for Language Typology Jack H

15. Advisories often contain illicit activity typologies, red flags that facilitate monitoring, and guidance on complying with FinCEN regulations to address those threats and vulnerabilities

16. Fee typology is based purely on the criteria used for economic analysis: the type of economic activity linked or coupled1 to the user fee.

17. A keen interest of Architectonics is the creation of spatial episodes to provide perceptual experiences regardless of the typology of the project.

18. Although the Korean Bronze Age culture derives from the Liaoning and Manchuria, it exhibits unique typology and styles, especially in ritual objects.

19. LI Hui (200 Relation between Typology and Phylogenesis of Ethnic Genetic System. Proceeding for the 7th National Symposium of Ethnology. Enshi, July, 200

20. A modern typology of direct insurers resp. groups of insurers is less oriented by legal form of companies, more by targets of activities and stakeholder situation.

21. This resulted in a typology of seven kinds of two-dimensional compact complex manifolds, recovering the five algebraic types known classically; the other two being non-algebraic.

22. The sandy soil was an Arenosol, the sandy-loam was a regosol, while the clay-loam was a phaeozem; typologies were based on previous research performed in the region

23. Instead of attempting to fit the typology of modern Bantu languages or act as an auxiliary language, Modern Bantu is like other proto-language revival attempts

24. The concept of a "cult" as a sociological classification was introduced in 1932 by American sociologist Howard P. Becker as an expansion of German theologian Ernst Troeltsch's church–sect typology.

25. 3 This study aims to schematize the event structures expressed by adjectives in Chinese and thus provide the typology of event structure for this kind of word.

26. 7 – 23,Google Scholar and “ The Islamic Alternative ” (The Link, 15, 4 [09 / 10, 1982], 1 – 14)Google Scholar presents a threefold typology: “Acculturationist,” “normativist,” and “neo-normativist.” The

27. Aureole is a minimal lamp created by Berlin-based designer Daniel Becker.Aureole is a universal lamp which combines a ceiling floodlight and a reading lamp to an entirely new typology

28. By applying grounded theory methods to a corpus of 33 interviews with Chairpersons, the study resulted in a typology of chair roles (administrative, advocacy, interpersonal), then assessed the process of assistance for faculty at four career stages.

29. Abkhaz Hewitt 1987 The typology of subordination in Georgian and Abkhaz Hewitt 1989a Abkhaz Hewitt 1989d Abkhaz Hewitt and Khiba 1979 Abkhaz Lomtatidze 1967b Abxazskij jazyk Lomtatidze 1996 Kategorija vzaimnosti (vzaimosojuznosti, vzaimoobojudnosti) v abxazo-adygskix jazykax Spruyt 1986 Abkhaz …

30. In the linguistics topic of language typology, Japanese is often included in lists of agglutinative (or Agglutinating) languages, but when learning or reading about Japanese grammar exclusively this is rarely if ever mentioned.Other examples of agglutinative languages …

31. We analyse spatial patterns of change for different qualification groups, outlining a regional typology, and discuss issues of ageing as well as differentiations according to types of settlement structure; finally, centre-periphery developments in two selected urban agglomerations are addressed (Berlin and Rhein-Ruhr).

32. An early study of the type was made by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus in his typology, Characters, "In the proffered services of the Busybody there is much of the affectation of kind-heartedness, and little efficient aid."

33. Alkaloids - Secrets of Life: Alkaloid Chemistry, Biological Significance, Applications and Ecological Role, Second Edition provides knowledge on structural typology, biosynthesis and metabolism in relation to recent research work on Alkaloids, considering an organic chemistry approach to Alkaloids using biological and ecological explanation

34. The first set of rehabilitation interventions in the proposed typology (see Figure 1) refers to rehabilitation procedures geared toward Assisting the client in (re) integrating into his or her community (including the home environment), through the provision of appropriate physical-skills-oriented services directed at the person himself or herself.

35. Altaic definition, the Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic language families collectively, spoken over a broad expanse of Eurasia, from southeastern Europe to the Pacific: variously considered to be a single, genetically related family, with Japanese and Korean sometimes also included, or a group of languages with shared typologies and histories, but not genetically akin.

36. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] Ser.: Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages : Studies in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundness (2004, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

37. The current work in which the Statistics Division is involved pertains to the development of two matrices, one conceptual and the other empirical, that cross-classify the purposes of the measure (question) against a typology of characteristics of the questions such as the domain of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, severity, aetiology and duration

38. Plural of atheism 1980, Thomas Molnar, Theists and Atheists: A Typology of Non-Belief, page 187: In short, our contention here is that theism is not only the affirmation of belief against non-belief, it is also the only rational presupposition against the two reductionist Atheisms: materialism and humanism, and against the two inflated Atheisms

39. MORPHO-SYNTACTIC TYPOLOGY OF LSP PHRASEOLOGISMS The combination of a base term and its collocates produces two kinds of phraseologisms: a) those having the force of a single part of speech such as nominal, verbal, adjectival, adverbial "phrases" (Fr. syntagme): ▪ to issue + a cheque; émettre + un chèque b) those forming a whole sentence or statement (Fr. proposition): ▪ a cheque + bounces; the bank + issues a cheque The base of a phraseologism can be a single term or a complex terminological unit.